
Planning Consent for Inert Waste Transfer Station

We are pleased to announce that planning approval has been granted for change of use to an inert waste transfer station on land to the North of Abercanaid Industrial Estate, Merthyr Tydfil.  The development will facilitate the recovery of inert aggregate materials from Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste.

Following an Officer’s recommendation for approval, the application was approved by Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council’s Planning Committee on 13th December 2023.

Given the growing focus on the ecological impacts of developments within the planning process, the application involved the submission of comprehensive documentation addressing protected species, dust pollution prevention and drainage, and included the preparation of a lighting plan demonstrating compliance with the Institution of Lighting Professionals Guidance Note 8: Bats and Artificial Lighting and the achievement of stringent illuminance limits to ensure a dark corridor along the adjacent river.